What Am I Doing Now?

Updated May 19, 2024

Hey 👋 I update this page roughly every month with what I’m up to…


I spend a couple of hours each day prospecting trade shows, conferences, and conventions for Reaction Audio Visual.

Writing Worship

My wife and I are stewarding a community of Christian songwriters, we call the Writing Worship Community. Currently, we’re launching another mentorship for the summer - we’ve had over 700 graduates since 2018. We’re also planning our 4th Conference in October.

Podcast Consulting

I completed an initial round of Courageous Podcasting - where I helped 7 students launch their own podcasts. That was fun. I’m currently updating and refining my target audience and plan to launch V2 sometime this summer or fall.

Quietime Music

My latest instrumental piano single is DREAM FLIGHT (listen link).

I’m in the process of producing a spoken word with music video podcast series on Psalms.

Stay Connected

I regularly make personal updates on Instagram.

I’ve been playing around with my X platform lately.

Follow me on LinkedIn for professional updates.

Ready why I started a now page (inspired by Derek Sivers).